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What We Believe

Bethany Baptist Church Of The Palm Beaches is an Independent Baptist Church

Basic Doctrines Of The Church

1. The Faith in the full inspiration of the Bible's original scriptures of the Old and New Testaments

2. The Faith in the unity of the Divinity and its Trinity: the FATHER, the SON, and the HOLY SPIRIT

3. The Faith in the imperative necessity and the sufficiency of the purifying sacrifice of Christ and in the joy of the      revival of the Holy Spirit.

4. The Faith in the personal and visible return of Lord Jesus. The eternal live and glory of the saints and the internal    death of the incredulous.

5. The Faith in the willingness, the power and the providence of God to provide to all of our needs in its service.

Alliance and Doctrine's Codes of the Church

  Having brought in, as we believe it, by the spirit of God to receive the Lord Jesus-Christ as our Savior, and as we confess our faith, having been baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, now, with the presence of God, of the Angels, and this assembly, solemnly and happily we make among us the following commitment as a body in Christ. 

  We engage ourselves, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to stay together, with a humble spirit of charity to strive for the improvement of this church and wisdom sanctity and consolation; to enhance its prosperity and spirituality; to nourish it's cult, it's ordinance, it's discipline and doctrines; to happily and regularly contribute to the maintenance of its ministry, to the fees of the church, to the relief of the disadvantaged and the sharing of the word of God among the nations.

  We also engage ourselves, to maintain the family cult and close prayer; to religiously raise our children; to work toward the acceptance of our parents and neighbors; to be just in our relationship, truthful in our commitments and exemplary in our conduct; to avoid and stay away from dishonesty, criticism of the other and hangar;  to avoid selling or using alcoholic beverages, tobacco; and be dynamic to the advancement of Gods era.

  We engage ourselves again, to watch one another with fraternal charity; to remember one another in our prayer; to help one another in sickness and distress; to cultivate the spiritual sympathy of our sentiments and the kindness in our speech; to be ready to reconcile; to submit ourselves to the Commandments of our Lord and without delay.


  We also engage ourselves, in case we move out of the neighborhood to join as soon as possible another church where we will be able to keep the same commitments and according to the principles in the words of God. 

Please join us every Sunday at 08:00 am for Sunday School, and 09:30am for worship service.

For any Biblical or theological questions, call Pastor Thomas Fenelus at 561-396-0488.

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